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Senin, 19 September 2016


Assalamualaikum wr wb introduce my name is garry Ramadan today Admins tell you about the reason I entered the University of tanjungpura  together. I think the University of tanjungpura University pontianak is best because B was originally accredited anyway admin choose universities outside of pontianak but the admin not in the received line list admin so independently at the University of tanjungpura and I majored in electrical engineering because it is future goals I want to become an expert in electrical engineering . Because admin give advice from my brother entered the University of tanjungpura in admin also received praise at the University of tanjungpura University pontianak because there is only one electrical majors namely University of tanjungpura turns out delicious also at the University of tanjungpura dude-friendly friendly professors also friendly facilities also exist laboratory space fulfilled any practice and many others. I think it is my goal, because the University of tanjungpura University admission this is no one University in pontianak which exists at the University in pontianak e.g. Polytechnic, ian, and muhammadiyah I feel excited to be entering the University of tanjungpura and I feel proud of tanjungpura University students so hopefully I can carry the name of the University of tanjungpura in national and international level of amin. All this from the admin first Yes enjoy admin post the thank you mail:) Wallaikumsalam wr wb.

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